August 19, 2015

I was over weight before getting pregnant

I have looked online for blogs to follow about moms that are overweight before they got pregnant and how they stayed active and ate healthy through out their pregnancy. Let me tell you there are not very many blogs out there on this topic, and only a few blogs that are about most of the pregnancy and after pregnancy. SOO I decided I wanted to blog about my pregnancy and after baby weight loss.

I was what a doctor would call obese for the last 7 years after 2 kids being a single parent working 2 jobs and trying to go to school. I wasn't making the healthiest choices and working out was unimaginable on top of it all. I became a stay at home mom and I was working on a healthy lifestyle when I found out I was pregnant. I was about 4-5 months into the journey and mostly inconsistent with healthy eating but on track with working out. (healthy eating habits is my weak point) I was working on changing that when we were surprised with the pregnancy. I had horrible morning sickness until about 20 weeks and pretty bad nausea that happens even today. I ended up loosing about 10 lbs in those first 20 weeks because I wasn't able to keep anything down. I am starting to feel better, eating healthier and even got a workout done today.
My Healthy Pregnancy Goals

  • Stay as active as possible which includes one of these a day
    • jogging/walking 3-5 miles 
    • 21 day fix workouts
    • lifting weights
    • swimming
    • yoga or pilates
  • Healthy Eating
    • I cut out all bread/gluten (it makes me almost instantly nauseous)
    • Eat every 2-3 hours
    • Drink at least 100oz of water a day
    • Get the correct amount of fruits/veggies a day
Those are my goals and I hope I can keep up those goals up until the date I deliver this sweet baby.

August 18, 2015

Clean Eating: My Basics

Eat Clean Principles
1. Eat more. Eat 5-6 small meals each day, spaced 2.5 - 3 hours apart.  Protein and complex carb at each meal with a big glass of water!
2. Eat breakfast everyday, within an hour of rising.
3. Make your last meal 3 hours before bed.
4. Eat a combination of lean protein and complex carbohydrates at each meal.
5. Eat sufficient healthy fats every day.
6. Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water each day.  Add some lemon, limes, cucumbers or orange slices for extra flavor!
7. Carry a cooler packed with clean foods & snacks each day.
8. Depend on fresh fruit and vegetables for fiber, vitamins, nutrients and enzymes.
9. Adhere to proper portion sizes (see below).
10. Eat only foods that have not been overly processed, or that contain artificial additives (sweeteners, colors, preservatives, etc.), saturated and trans fats. 


What to Avoid:
  • Avoid all over-processed foods, particularly white flour and sugar
  • Avoid all chemically charge foods
  • Avoid foods containing preservatives
  • Avoid artificial sugars
  • Avoid artificial foods such as processed cheese slices
  • Avoid saturated and trans fats
  • Avoid sugar loaded beverages, including sodas and juices
  • Avoid or do your best to limit alcohol intake.
  • Avoid all calorie dense foods containing little or no nutritional value. I call these anti-foods
  • Avoid super sizing your meals
  • AVOID ANYTHING that contains the following on the label:
    • High Fructose Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup
    • Aspartame
    • Sucralose
    • Maltodextrin
    • MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)
    • Enriched 
    • Modified, Genetically-modified, etc.
    • From concentrate
  • TIP:  When you see the words "diet", "sugar-free" or "lite", chances are it contains artificial sweeteners like Aspartame which is POISON!

Complex Carbohydrates from Fruit and Vegetables:
6 portions each day.  A portion is:

  • 1 cupped handful or a piece of fruit such as berries, grapefruit, melon, apples and mangoes.
  • 2 cupped handfuls of vegetables including broth based/vegetable puree soups.

Complex Carbohydrates from whole grains and starchy carbohydrates: 
(I have became my own version of Paleo so this may be different then what you normally see)
2-4 portions each day.  A portion is:
  • 1 handful sized serving of sweet potato, yam, banana, corn, carrots or squash

Lean Protein
6 portions each day.  A portion is:

  • 1 cup or handful of dairy products such as low fat soy, almond, hemp, rice, or skim milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt cheese or plain fat free sugar free yogurt.
  • 1 scant handful of raw, unsalted nuts (also a healthy fat)
  • 2 tablespoons of all natural nut butters such as almond or peanut butter (also a healthy fat).
  • 1 palm-sized portion of lean meats
  • High quality, sugar- and chemical- free protein powder 

  • 2-3 liters per day of fresh, purified water (sodium-free)
  • Clear herbal tea (unsweetened)
  • Black coffee in moderation
  • Green or Black tea

Sweeteners/Sugars that are OK to use in moderation:
  • Organic Cane Sugar
  • Agave Nectar 
  • Maple Sugar Flakes
  • Rapadura Sugar
  • Natural Stevia (plant-derived, non-processed)

April 14, 2015

Stay at home mom

I have always had to work.. Since I was 18 years old, a single parent and barley out of highschool. One, two sometimes even three jobs. That was in 2007 skip ahead a few years and it's 2012 and I had my second son. I was able to work only part time until he was 7 months old and then I got a job in a daycare in my youngest sons classroom where I was again working full time 45-50 hours a week. In September of 2014 I was blessed enough to move in with my boyfriend where I was able to be a stay at home mom. It has been an amazing 8 months!! I am so very blessed! My hope is that my beachbody business will allow be a work at home mom when they both get to school. 

April 12, 2015

New Week

Tomorrow is Monday which means a brand new week for me. I am super excited to kick this weeks butt and loose at least 2.5 lbs. I am doing mostly Paleo eating all week long with a few exceptions. I have decided on 2 desserts which are Chocolate Moose and Apple Crisp and of course they are both Paleo. My goals for this week are..

  • Do ALL my workouts (doubles week) taking Sunday off
  • Yoga/Stretching every morning
  • Eat 90% Paleo
  • Drink 1 gallon of water each day
  • Enjoy 3 cups of green tea each day
Family Adventure:
  • Explore Itch-Ka-Pee park with the boys
  • Take picture of my boys each day
My Life:
  • Finish Personal Development Book
  • Write in my Gratitude Journal each day
  • Meditate each day
  • Complete power hour each day
  • Help 2 new people become fit and happy

April 1, 2015

April Goals

Hello everyone, its the first day of April and on the first day of the month I like to make goals for myself and my family. I also have my oldest son make goals that he wants to hit this month. Goals are so important to me, they keep me focused on the end game and keep me always working to better myself, my life and my family. Its hard to make a path to success if you don't lay out the way to get there. Goals are the way ;) I'm going to cross off the goals periodically this month as I reach them.

- workout everyday (only allowing 5 missed workouts)
- 500 pushups this month
- jog/walk 30 miles
- Hit my next fitness goal (loose 10 lbs)
- keep monthly calendar of how my days felt
- keep up on my fitness journal

- eat 80% paleo all month
- enjoy a weekly cheat meal

- Take Ty on a date 1 a week
- Take adventures on weekends

- read personal development books each day
- complete power hour each day
- Advance to Emerald within my business

- take a photo of the boys almost each day
- start couponing for groceries/household items
- I've been writing letter back and forth to my Grandparents so I want to keep doing that

Fun and Adventure
- hike "The Rims"
- take the kids swimming

Self Love
- write in Gratitude Journal each day
- Treat myself after I reach end of April  Goals

March 31, 2015

The First Adventure of 2015

Our family went on our first adventure of 2015 this weekend. We wandered up past The Nye Mine about 2 miles to a trailhead called Stillwater River Trail, it was a 3.5 mile walk to the waterfall called Sioux Charley. I had my doubts if Tyson would be able to handle a hike that far or if Tate would sit in his handy dandy backpack for that long. In that past Tate hasn’t been the biggest fan of his backpack and never wanted to sit in there for a long period of time.
They both DID GREAT!! We only got 2.5 miles into the hike before it really started raining and we had to turn around and go back to the car.  The boys did absolutely wonderful! Tyson walked the whole 5 miles, he only needed to take a break a few times which is completely understandable. Tate walked for the first ¾ of a mile alongside Tyson. They had fun throwing rocks into Stillwater River, picking up pinecones and talking about what they look like. We also found rocks that were neat colors, shapes and textures. Those we put into our backpacks to bring home with us. About ½ threw the hike we stumbled upon a place where part of the river was running into a little pool. We stopped there to explore, Jared and I started discussing with the boys how beavers cut down logs to make their dens. We showed them where all the teeth marks were on the logs they cut down. We were all hoping we would see a beaver but we didn't.

On the way back down the mountain, we stopped by two rocks leaning against each other that made sort of a cave. There Tyson and I talked about how if we had supplies that would be the best place to spend the night.

Tate was so wore out from walking so far that he fell asleep in his backpack on the way down the mountain. We put the sun/rain shade over him so he would not get the rain on him and get cold.

Overall it was a wonderful adventure; our family had so much fun and saw a lot of pretty neat things. This is the first of many fun filled adventures this summer.

March 24, 2015

I Quit

I quit eating healthy, I gave up on working out. I was mentally exhausted from this whole journey so I took some time off. I re-evaluated my priorities and thought about what I really want out of my life. I want to be HEALTHY! I want to have ENERGY! I want to not feel poopy all the time. AND I want my own come back story! I want to get into the best physical shape of my life, I want to feel THE best I've EVER Felt!

So I'm committing to 21 days because it takes 21 days to make or break a habit right! I'm going to work my tooshey off for 21 days and see how far I can get!! Its not going to be easy!!

The hardest part for me is diet, I try and only eat whole foods (meat and fish, fruits and vegetables, nuts and nut butters, cottage cheese and yogurt) My goal is to eat Paleo 90% of the time. I have had food sensitivities since I had my gallbladder removed 6 years ago and anything greasy or processed makes my tummy hurt. I'm going to cut all those nasty things out of my diet and I know I will feel GREAT!!

The 21 Day Plan
- eat paleo 90% of the time
- drink shakeology EVERY day
- do all my workouts
     -Lifting weights 5 days a week
     -Couch to 5k running program

Sounds pretty easy right? Well this is something I've struggled with my whole life. I have never followed a meal plan/workout plan for 21 days straight without missing/skipping/or messing it up. BUT I am committed!!! I want to accomplish this.

If you would like to join me with this challenge and make a comeback story for yourself shoot me an email. I would love to have an accountability partner. 

March 1, 2015

March Goals

Hello everyone, its the first day of March and on the first day of the month I like to make goals for myself and my family. I also have my oldest son make goals that he wants to hit this month. Goals are so important to me, they keep me focused on the end game and keep me always working to better myself, my life and my family. Its hard to make a path to success if you don't lay out the way to get there. Goals are the way ;) I'm going to cross off the goals periodically this month as I reach them.

- workout everyday (only allowing 5 missed workouts)
- 500 pushups this month
- jog/walk 15 miles
- Hit my next fitness goal (loose 10 lbs)

- eat 80% paleo all month
- enjoy a weekly cheat meal

- Take Ty on a date 1 a week
- Take Jared on a date

- read personal development books each day
- complete power hour each day
- Advance to Emerald

- take a photo of the boys almost each day
- start couponing for groceries/household items
- I've been writing letter back and forth to my Grandparents so I want to keep doing that

Fun and Adventure
- hike "The Rims"
- take the kids swimming

Self Love
- write in Gratitude Journal each day
- mani/pedi (after I reach end of March Goals)