March 24, 2015

I Quit

I quit eating healthy, I gave up on working out. I was mentally exhausted from this whole journey so I took some time off. I re-evaluated my priorities and thought about what I really want out of my life. I want to be HEALTHY! I want to have ENERGY! I want to not feel poopy all the time. AND I want my own come back story! I want to get into the best physical shape of my life, I want to feel THE best I've EVER Felt!

So I'm committing to 21 days because it takes 21 days to make or break a habit right! I'm going to work my tooshey off for 21 days and see how far I can get!! Its not going to be easy!!

The hardest part for me is diet, I try and only eat whole foods (meat and fish, fruits and vegetables, nuts and nut butters, cottage cheese and yogurt) My goal is to eat Paleo 90% of the time. I have had food sensitivities since I had my gallbladder removed 6 years ago and anything greasy or processed makes my tummy hurt. I'm going to cut all those nasty things out of my diet and I know I will feel GREAT!!

The 21 Day Plan
- eat paleo 90% of the time
- drink shakeology EVERY day
- do all my workouts
     -Lifting weights 5 days a week
     -Couch to 5k running program

Sounds pretty easy right? Well this is something I've struggled with my whole life. I have never followed a meal plan/workout plan for 21 days straight without missing/skipping/or messing it up. BUT I am committed!!! I want to accomplish this.

If you would like to join me with this challenge and make a comeback story for yourself shoot me an email. I would love to have an accountability partner. 

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