April 14, 2015

Stay at home mom

I have always had to work.. Since I was 18 years old, a single parent and barley out of highschool. One, two sometimes even three jobs. That was in 2007 skip ahead a few years and it's 2012 and I had my second son. I was able to work only part time until he was 7 months old and then I got a job in a daycare in my youngest sons classroom where I was again working full time 45-50 hours a week. In September of 2014 I was blessed enough to move in with my boyfriend where I was able to be a stay at home mom. It has been an amazing 8 months!! I am so very blessed! My hope is that my beachbody business will allow me.to be a work at home mom when they both get to school. 

April 12, 2015

New Week

Tomorrow is Monday which means a brand new week for me. I am super excited to kick this weeks butt and loose at least 2.5 lbs. I am doing mostly Paleo eating all week long with a few exceptions. I have decided on 2 desserts which are Chocolate Moose and Apple Crisp and of course they are both Paleo. My goals for this week are..

  • Do ALL my workouts (doubles week) taking Sunday off
  • Yoga/Stretching every morning
  • Eat 90% Paleo
  • Drink 1 gallon of water each day
  • Enjoy 3 cups of green tea each day
Family Adventure:
  • Explore Itch-Ka-Pee park with the boys
  • Take picture of my boys each day
My Life:
  • Finish Personal Development Book
  • Write in my Gratitude Journal each day
  • Meditate each day
  • Complete power hour each day
  • Help 2 new people become fit and happy

April 1, 2015

April Goals

Hello everyone, its the first day of April and on the first day of the month I like to make goals for myself and my family. I also have my oldest son make goals that he wants to hit this month. Goals are so important to me, they keep me focused on the end game and keep me always working to better myself, my life and my family. Its hard to make a path to success if you don't lay out the way to get there. Goals are the way ;) I'm going to cross off the goals periodically this month as I reach them.

- workout everyday (only allowing 5 missed workouts)
- 500 pushups this month
- jog/walk 30 miles
- Hit my next fitness goal (loose 10 lbs)
- keep monthly calendar of how my days felt
- keep up on my fitness journal

- eat 80% paleo all month
- enjoy a weekly cheat meal

- Take Ty on a date 1 a week
- Take adventures on weekends

- read personal development books each day
- complete power hour each day
- Advance to Emerald within my business

- take a photo of the boys almost each day
- start couponing for groceries/household items
- I've been writing letter back and forth to my Grandparents so I want to keep doing that

Fun and Adventure
- hike "The Rims"
- take the kids swimming

Self Love
- write in Gratitude Journal each day
- Treat myself after I reach end of April  Goals